Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Jax is TEN!!!

Mom and Peyton's visit was so FANTASTIC! They surprised Jax for his 10th birthday...he LOVED it!!!! We had a busy week with school, birthday and Halloween parties and baseball games...I think we wore Nanny out!! ha Here are a few of our pictures..if you want to see more, let me know and I can email them to you :) ENJOY!!

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Fall Ball

Fall ball began on Thursday for Jax...with his first game yesterday! He didn't get a hit, but walked twice instead....highlight - he stole 3 bases..:) and he scored a run!
Quinn wasn't too interested in playing, waiting for hoop season instead :)
On a side note~ we still have beautiful sunny days (still in the 90's) :), luckily the mornings are finally beginning to feel like fall :)

Monday, September 10, 2007

Finally, a visitor!!!

We had our first visitor last week(besides Poppa when he helped us move). Miss Gypsy was here for only a few days, but Mommy didnt care...she had someone to chat and hang out with!! She went swimming with us one day after school and she took us out to "Grazies" (really yummy, authentic Italian) on our "Date night" with Mommy. She even played games with us...the funniest one was "Mad Gab".....we laughed the entire time! she taught Mommy how to play "Backgammon" (sp)and then Mommy taught Jax (he almost beat her too). Thanks for visiting us Miss Gypsy...you made our mom really happy :)

Sunday, August 26, 2007

First day of school

Jax and Quinn on the first day of school! Also there is a picture of the boys and Poppa when he was here helping us move!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Feels like home...

Just wouldn't feel like we were really getting settled into AZ without a visit to a walk in clinic!! Both J and Q needed to see the physician(at least it was a joint visit). It appears Q has an ear infection to go along with the swimmers ear, and J has come in contact with "something" and has an itchy rash on roughly 75% of his body(possibly an allergy to the pool chemicals). Both were told to stay out of the pool for the next 10 days...
On a positive note, they are both healthy enough to go to school tomorrow (first day)!
After spending over an hour on the internet trying to find a walk in open on a Sunday, we discovered this awesome place called "Minute Clinic", and its just 10 minutes from the house. They do just the basic diagnostics (perfect for what we needed)! Then , to make the morning a more pleasant experience, we were presented with 5 RX's to get filled. We went to the new Wal Mart super store (bloody huge and cheap as hell!) They have this plan that makes the 300 most common generic RX's only $4....drastically reduced our pharmacy bill :)

Here is to a healthy week for all:)

Friday, August 17, 2007


Happy Friday!

Here are some photos of our move...Dad and Brent on the front porch at sunrise, looking at the end of our street, boys in the pool at dusk....enjoy!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Whats New...

We are so excited...a new home, new school, and a NEW COUSIN :) Caden Michael joined our family on Aug. 11 (the day after we arrived in AZ!!!!!) We probably wont get to go see him anytime soon, but the family has been sending us lots of pictures of him. He has lot of hair and is a handsome little man :)

Roro made a blog for the girls and now Mommy is trying to make one for us...trying would be the key word! We hope she can figure out how to post some pictures, we have some really good ones of us and Poppa when he was here helping us move. Maybe Roro could give her a call and talk her through it :) hint hint!!

We swim everyday...the water temp is in the 90's but since its usually 108 -115 degrees outside the pool feels really good :)

We are still in the same time zone (at least until daylight savings...when you guys fall back...we dont observe daylight savings, kinda odd )...so...call us anytime!!! (mommys cell #)

Happy days...

Liv-it up...Laf-it off...Luv-unconditionally

J & Q